Welcome to Term 2

We’re open for Term 2, well sort of. As you may expect things this term will be a little different. So we are closed for activities in-house but we are open for Centrelink and Emergency Foodbank.

We have a number of activities/classes moving online. We are currently taking enrolments for: Speak English, Learn English, The Art of Story Writing, Learn French (Beginners & Next Stage), Magic of the Hook (Crochet), Journaling and Blogging, Delve into Tarot, Food Safety, Unhurried Conversations and Short Course in Mindful Self Compassion. Please give us a call on 56552524 or email milpara@dcsi.net.au

Worried our old Emergency Foodbank is a bit small for social distancing? (as seen above) Don’t worry it has temporarily moved to the main Training Room to provide adequate space.
Please ring the door bell for service.

Emergency Foodbank is open! You can drop in any time between 9.30 am – 4 pm (We close at 4.30 pm). The Centrelink Agency (Services Australia) is also operating normal hours; Tuesday 10 am – 2 pm, Wednesday and Thursday 10 am – 1 pm. The only thing that is a little different is you will need to ring the door bell for service. Centrelink customers will be given a number ticket and can wait in their car without loosing their place (if walking we do have seating in the back training room).

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