Do you know about the Burra Bundle that you can have delivered?

Ok the important details from the video are:

Burra Bundle available thanks to some fantastic local businesses including: Kelly’s Bakery, Korumburra Quality Meats, Grow Lightly, Korumburra News agency, Glorious Googies, Gippsland Jersey and Hillcrest Honey.

Small Bundle $65 delivery included:
-Meat to value of $20
-Fruit/Veg to the value of $20
– Kelly’s items including 1 lt milk, 1/2 doz eggs, 1 loaf of bread & hot cross buns
Large Bundle $100 delivery included:
– Meat to the value of $25
– Fruit/Veg to the value of $25
– Kelly’s items including 2 lt milk, dozen eggs, 2 loaves of bread, hot cross buns, family meat pie.

Then you can add extras items. My video was too short to include what you can add so here is a bit of a list:
– Herald Sun
– Weekly Times.
– Extra meat packs $30 or $20
-Extra Fruit/Veg $10, $20, $30 $40 or $50
– Extra Bread white, wholemeal, Muligrain, Fruit
-Extra rolls white, wholemeal or multigrain
– Family quiches asparagus, lorrarine, pumpkin & spinich, spinich
– Family pies including fruit and other varieties
– Dairy 1 lt, 2lt, Skinny or Full cream, Gippsland Jersey, Butter
– Eggs 1/2 doz or Dozen
– Honey 200g or 400g

Ok if you think this sounds like something you are interested in then here is a link to the booking form or call Kelly’s Bakery on 5655 2061.

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