FREE Resume, Interview Skills and Employability Skills workshops – Register today.

Now is the perfect time to brush up on your skills. We are excited to announce the Skills and Jobs Centre are launching a series of FREE Webinars that are running in next few weeks.

The Skills and Jobs Centre has adapted their very popular workshops so that they can deliver them online through Zoom and are now taking registrations.

The workshops are free and the topics are Resumes, Interview Skills and Employability Skills. Details, including how to register, can be found on the link below.

Here at Milpara we often suggest people touch base with the Skills and Job Centre who provide expert advice on training and employment opportunities including:

  • careers advice
  • help with job searching
  • assistance preparing resumes
  • apprenticeship and traineeship advice
  • assistance using the Victorian Skills Gateway
  • referral to welfare support and financial advice
  • assistance in using your existing skills to align to a new job or to undertake new training (Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL))
  • information on employment trends, areas with a shortage in skills and employment opportunities.
  • assistance with career and training plans, identifying training qualifications that could be undertaken to make a successful career transition.

The Centre also engage with a broad range of local industries, ensuring that it is tailored to meet the needs the local communities and industries. Locally the Skills and Jobcentre is based at TAFE Gippsland. If you’d like to get in touch give them a call on 1300 282 317 or email: 

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