Share lunch, walk for cancer and save on your RSA and Food Safety

It seems hard to believe but we are now past midterm, doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun.  There is still lots more fun to be had this term too.

Our first “Share” Lunch is coming up on March 4.  Two things I love most is sharing a laugh with good company and eating yummy food. I am sure I am not the only one.  So the invite is to come along, bring something to share for lunch; which need not be fancy, from a packet is fine.  It is about getting together, enjoying company, and likely making new friends too.  Now I must apologise as an important seminar now clashes with my lunch date, so the lovely Marg is going to host.  But we hope this will be at least once a term and I’ll see people at the next one.

Relay for Life is coming up and anyone who would like to join our team would be most welcome.  You can register and or make donation online our team name is “Milpara” or pop into the house and we can help.

This term we are offering Food Safety Level 1 and Supervisors in class on Thursday March 5 with RSA in the morning.  We are offering a $5 discount for people who have booked and paid by February 27.

Just a reminder to put the Free Community Meal in your diary, it is the First Friday of the Month, next date is March 6 at the Anglican Church Hall on Bridge Street.

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