Parenting never came with an instruction manual for all the things you will face. It is one of the most important and difficult things you can do as well as one of the most rewarding. Risky Business: Tough Conversation with Teens is an information session on Tuesday September 17 at 6 pm being held at Milpara, 21 Shellcot Road Korumburra. If you want to: Communicate better with your teen? Develop strategies to listen without judgement? Help your teen problem solve & make safe choices? Stay connected? Then this is a great FREE session for you! Learn strategies, share stories & take time out for you. Bookings are essential. Please call Parent Zone Gippsland on 51539555.
It seems amazing that we are in the last week of Term 3 already. Head over to our website milparacommunityhouse.org.au to check what we have on offer for Term 4. You will notice a bit of a change, the program is now an A5 booklet, so keep an eye out for it in your mailbox in the next week or two. We have some great workshops during Term 4 including Women’s Empowerment & Soul Nourishment, Framed Nature Scene, Fun with Alcohol, and Polymer Clay for Beginners, Christmas Pudding and more. For small business, we have information sessions on cloud-based accounting using Reckon, and a Small Business Victoria Workshop Finance fundamentals: How to keep cash flowing. A variety of new classes has also be introduced! Milpara 5655 2524.