Milpara, Korumburra’s Community House is a great place but difficult to explain.

You’ll find us at 21 Shellcot Road Korumburra

The truth is Milpara is so many things to so many people it is hard to sum it up neatly.

Our Vision: People in the Korumburra district have access to new skills, personal development and community networks.

Our Mission: To be the focal point for the delivery of a range of services and learning opportunities.

We are proud of how well we achieve these goals.  There are some common misconceptions about where our funding comes from to provide this great community asset. Maybe a nice starting point for this explanation is the little remembered fact that Milpara has developed from a simple playgroup into a multi-faceted organisation offering community services, adult education classes, groups, and advocacy, referral and support services, while retaining its original intention and living up to the meaning of its name – “Meeting Place”.

Milpara’s history is entrenched with dedicated volunteers, without them the Community House would never have developed further than an idea.  From 1979 till 1982 childcare operated from Milpara until the opening of the Birralee Childcare Centre in Victoria Street. The small operational grant meant that the majority of childcare had to be provided by volunteers. The Milpara Committee then approached the Shire to retain the building in Shellcot Road as a community house and it has been registered as an adult education provider since 1984.    

Volunteers play a vital role and are an integral part of the team even today. It surprises some people to find that Milpara has no full time workers at all. We are run by a volunteer Committee of Governance, and while the building is owned by the Shire we are not financially supported by the shire and are completely independent.

Milpara Community House receives the majority of its funding through the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program (NHCP). The Department of Education and Training (DET) contracts Milpara Community House to deliver Adult Community Further Education (ACFE) courses as a Learn Local organisation, you’ll notice those courses in our program with a LL logo. Federal funding is provided by the Department of Human Services (DHS) to host and operate the Centrelink Agency on site 10 hours per week. A major source of income is self-generated through the delivery of Adult Education courses and sessions. Our FoodBank is not funded at all, with expectation of people who donate their IGA points.  It relies on Food Bank Victoria, Aldi’s Second Bite and the generous donations of businesses, groups and individuals. 

We are a non-for profit organisation and keep the costs of our courses/activities as low as possible, to remain viable we are required to generate our own income to cover our running costs and ensure we can deliver continued service to our community long into the future.    So when you attend a course/workshop or group at Milpara you’re part of the big picture!

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