WOW! Jess has been really busy making the most of a technology grant Milpara received from the South Gippsland Shire Council. We feel very fortunate. The grant has allowed us to assist community members to connect to family and friends online. Not only can we provide 1:1 support to teach the basic skills needed to using a tablet or laptop to connect, but we can also provide the equipment for loan, allowing internet access from the participants home. For some participants they just need assistance with the equipment they already own including smart phones. Other participants have enjoyed this fabulous opportunity to find out if online is for them and give it a try without any cost.
As part of this free service, Jess has spent helped many people ‘get connected’. This means different things for different people. For some it has been creating Facebook accounts and learning how to use it. One person was so excited to learn she can now book into a bowling club sessions with one click on Facebook! Some participants were amazed to see how many of their friends are already very socially active and now they too are connected. For some participants it has been about learning to reply, send and forward emails including adding attachments like photos. Jess has even helped people to learn the skills to sell online.
The highlight for Jess has been connecting grandparents with their children and grand kids via FaceTime so that they can actually see their faces.
Milpara still has some tablets and laptops available for loan as well as mobile internet modems. So if you are looking to connect online or know someone who could benefit from this service please give Milpara a call on 5655 2524 to organise a time with Jess.