We’d love to get a variety of people who are looking for work or under
employed to this a session here on Wednesday February 5 at 10 am. Why? Milpara is keen to develop and deliver
meaningful opportunities to build skills – what might these look like?
We want to know what our community members need and how Milpara can support
that need. So lets start that conversation!
Would you like to learn French? Rachel would like to share and help people learn her native language. Beginners is an evening class is Friday evenings and Next Step Saturday mornings. Pending numbers these classes will start this week.
Would like to improve your English or Maths skills? The lovely Tracy is back as our tutor and class will commence on Monday March 9.
If English is your second language we have two options. An evening class on Thursdays and/or a morning class on Fridays, bookings are required.
The Art of Story Writing will start this Thursday February 6. We are also looking to introduce a new course Journaling and Blogging which will run on Tuesdays over 6 weeks commencing February 18.
Unfortunately, we have had to put Belly Dancing for Fun and Meditation on hold, but we would still like to hear from you if you are interested in these classes.
Don’t forget to express your interest for the variety of computer classes, Women’s Empowerment & Soul Nourishment Workshop, Genealogy.
For further details or to make bookings please call the friendly staff at Milpara on 5655 2524.