Stage 3 Restrictions what it means for Milpara

From Thursday August 6 2020 until further notice.

When we all wake up on Thursday August 6, as you all know by now we will be required to abide by Stage 3 restrictions. So that means Milpara Community House will operate a little differently.

Milpara staff will be onsite to provide essential services so we will be taking calls. Remember we will only have limited staff so we may not be as quick at answering calls as normal. You may leave a message, alternatively bounce us an email If you need assistance finding a service please call us and we will do our best to assist, we achnowledge this will be a difficult time and help is available.

Centrelink will be open the following hours. Tuesday 10 am – 2 pm, Wednesday & Thursday 10 am – 1 pm. You will need to call us when you arrive 56552524. We will grab your details and ask you to wait in your car until it is your turn. If arriving on foot (walking) please ring the door bell and we will take your details and provide a waiting room for you. Customers will be served in order of arrival, please be aware you may need to wait so bring a book, your knitting or something else to keep you entertained.

Food Bank will be open Monday – Friday 9.30 am – 4 pm by appointment. We ask that you please book a time to access this service rather than just drop in. YOU MUST BRING YOUR OWN BAG or BOX these will not be provided.

General Classes and all non essential activities on site are cancelled. A number of classes/activities will be available online.

Our conditions of entry will remain in place you must provide your name, contact number and, postcode. You must wear a mask (unless you meet government reasons for not requiring to, you will need to provide evidence), sanitize on entry & exit and maintain 1.5 meter distance from others. You are required to follow other directions given by staff.
If you are unwell even with mild symptoms or awaiting results from a COVID-19 test you must not enter the building, please call we may be able to assist over the phone.
Again if you need to please give us a call on 56552524.

Please help us keep everyone safe.

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