Learning to Grow – parents of school age children (primary or secondary) who are looking at returning to work/education study or have been out of the workplace for some time, this is for you!
Bring along your pre-school child/ren and while they have some fun with a carer you get to have some fun with Jess the Learning to Grow facilitator.
It’s about helping you as an adult achieve your goals, build confidence, identify your transferable skills, develop a resume and build on your interview skills.
This program is FREE and will run Thursdays April 29 – June 24, 10am – 12 pm.
Bookings are essential and can be made using the button below. Or you can call Jess at Milpara who will be back after school break on Monday April 19 56552524, alternatively email her on milparaL2G@outlook.com.