With interesting times, come interesting ideas.
Milpara is planning to offer a variety of activities that the community can be involved in from the comfort of their own home. All they would need is a smart phone, tablet or desk top computer and WiFi. People could book in to a session and then we would provide a login link that they use to join the session at the designated time. (This may sound complicated, but we will make it easy!)
We know we have people in our community who are high risk who have already choosen to self isolate to protect their health. We also know as the virus spreads more people will be isolated and cases increase.
So to help spread some cheer and keep our community connected during this strange time, we think offering online connections could be really great!
It could work for a variety of activities including but not limited to:
*Lets do morning/afternoon tea, make you own cuppa and join in for a virtual coffee date.
*Lets play – Snakes & Ladders, Ludo, Yahtzee, Pictionary, Charades, who am I etc
* Group crosswords
*Story Club, the host would read a short story and then group can discuss it.
* Milpara Singers (Not a choir but a fun get together of people to share the enjoyment of singing as a group)
*Craft Together, log in and share conversation as you craft from home.
*Classes in crafts etc which people would likely have home supplies.
*Mindfulness Meditation
Lets face it we are only limited by our creative thinking. So if you have an idea we’d love you to share it.
To get this to happen we need people who would be interested in donating their time to run the sessions. This could be done from home or you would be welcome to use a space at Milpara.
If you can help with this project please get in contact, email milpara@outlook.com or call the house on 56552524.
Much thanks the Milpara Team.