Introduction to Buddhism will run over five Monday evenings commencing May 6, followed by general meditation. The fee is Dana, which is a monetary offering for the teaching.
Art Class will run again this term over 8 weeks, classes commence on Tuesday May 7.
Something new to Milpara this term is Fitter for Life. It is designed for men and women over 50. A great class to improve your mobility, strength, balance, coordination and flexibility while having fun. Since the Term Program was printed, we have had some exciting news, the ‘This Girl Can’ initiative will mean the fee for women attending will be subsidised. Let us know if you will be attending the pilot come try and sign up session on Tuesday May 7.
This terms Newcomers’ Luncheon will be held on Wednesday May 15. This is a free activity but we do request RSVP’s by Friday May 10. The ‘Basic Cooking with Laura’ class will be preparing the meal for the Luncheon. If you would like to brush up on your cooking skills, learn to create economic meals or just join in for some fun why not join Laura on Tuesday afternoons each week. Taste testing is an important step to all of her classes, which are free to attend.
Art Therapy is also returning to Milpara this term. It will held on Friday mornings from May 17, bookings are required. Course fee is per session and all materials are supplied.
Would you like more information? Call us on 5655 2524.