While we appreciate that nothing really compares to face-to-face contact, online connection can be valuable in these odd times. Zoom and other online platforms have proven to be a fantastic alternative opening new opportunities to connect with people.
Even when Stage 3 restrictions lift not everything will just go back to normal. With social distancing expected to be the new norm for at least a little while longer some organisations and groups are will continue providing services online.
Milpara staff are happy to help get you started if this is something completely new for you. We have successfully assisted a variety of people to connect using Zoom, FaceTime and other platforms.
Have you been putting off trying it? Think it’s just too hard and scary? Do you have questions but don’t know who to ask? Unsure where to start? Then give the friendly staff at Milpara a call on 5655 2524. If you do not have the technology to get started, please still make contact. We are currently looking at ways to assist to ensure everyone can stay connected.