Here is a personal invite to anyone who would like to join our team ‘Milpara’ at the South Gippsland (Korumburra) Relay for Life on 4pm Saturday March 14 to 10 am Sunday.
If you would like to benefit from the early bird registration fees you have until Friday December 13: Child $25, $35 & Family $75 (2 adults & 2 children under age of 18, additional children charged at $10 each).
You don’t have to attend the whole event, last year we had a roster and some of our team popped in to do an hour or two, others set up tents and enjoyed the whole event. We are happy for anyone in the community to join our team, we are a friendly bunch who are always keen to make new friends.
Alternatively you may like to make a donation towards the team.
If you would like to join the team or make a donation please click Visit the team Milpara page.