Milpara Community House stands with our LGBTQIA+ community. We pledge to never stay silent about LGBTQIA+ discrimination and will take positive steps to be part of the solution. Milpara provides a safe space for all our community.
A really simple way you can help make a positive change for our LGBTQIA+ community is using a persons preferred pronouns. I know some people find this confusing so let’s break it down. A persons sex is assigned off physical anatomy. A persons gender identity is their perception of their own gender and will define what pronouns they prefer to use. Just asking a person their preferred pronoun and using it is really simple and makes a big difference, it’s validating and shows you care and respect them.
Grab a cuppa and few minutes to learn more this video might be an easy start: Gender Identity and Pronouns – Onlea – What Will You Teach The World?
Or why not pop over and check this webpage for more information Minus18 they’re leading change, building social inclusion, and advocating for an Australia where all young people are safe, empowered, and surrounded by people that support them – we think that’s really awesome!