Getting accurate information regarding current time is important to help keep everyone safe. Please ensure you check the publication dates to ensure it is the up to date information. For example if you watch a video made 2 weeks ago about face mask wearing it may say its optional, however we all know as of Monday in Victoria it is mandatory. We all know that corona virus can spread quickly so information can change quickly too, so keeping an eye on dates. If you are unsure always double check with a reputable source of information.
Below you will find some information we think may help, click on the blue writing to activate the links to take you to the reliant pages. There are many more support services and resources but this would be a VERY long post if we included it all. We have tried to provide pages that include further information. If you can’t find a service or information and need and require assistance please call Milpara on 5655 2524.
Is English your second language? Get COVID-19 information in your language.
Helpful resourses and information: The South Gippsland Shire council have a dedicated page on their website for COVID-19 information.
Family violence crisis response and support during coronavirus. This government page has a variety of services with links that are easy to follow. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger call 000.
Or if it is safe to do so, for help and support contact safe steps 24/7 crisis service on 1800 015 188. Or email The safe steps web chat support service is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 9pm.
Beyond Blue: This is a really challenging time for all Victorians. Beyond Blue have created a coronavirus specific website to assist people with their mental health and wellbeing during this difficult period.
Centrelink: Payments and services during coronavirus (COVID-19). Services Australia also have a COVID-19 Crisis Payment for more information click here.
Victorian State Government Worker Payments: Victorian workers can apply for a $300 Test Isolation Payment. If a positive test or close contact you may be eligible for $1500 COVID-19 Worker Support payment. More information here.
Life Line: You are not alone, life line are there to listen. Every 30 seconds a person in Australia reaches out to Lifeline for help. They are a national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hours crisis support and suicide prevention services. As they say on their website ‘they exist so that no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone’ Click here for their website or call 13 11 14.
Information on Victorian restrictions
Using hand sanitiser: We all are getting used to sanitising but are we getting a bit slack? Using it correctly is a little more involved than a quick squirt and rub. You may not be sanitizing as well as you think. Please watch video for proper application and stay safe! (PS same technique when washing your hands but you need to use soap)