A lot has been happening at Milpara, Korumburra’s Community House. We have just had our first meeting with the architect and designers recently about the new community hub and further consultations will continue in the near future. So very exciting!
We’re in the process of preparing for our annual campaign
Orange the World – 16 days of activism against violence,
25 November – 10 December.
This year installations will be displayed – orange ‘put your hand up collars’ around power poles along sections of Bridge Street, Princes Street, Mine Road and Shellcot Road, and a large hand created with orange flowers. We will be having our last crafting session on Wednesday 21/11 at 7pm. Come along for a fun night and create flowers & collars.
We feel that together we can end violence and really make our community bloom.
Some recent fantastic news: Deanne the founder of the Trinity Kids, a small business that facilitates emotional intelligence and mindfulness programs for children aged 2 -18 years, was a panellist for an upcoming episode of ABC’s Q& A – May I be happy?
Milpara is very pleased to be one of the venues for the program, it is such a great opportunity for the kids of Korumburra and surrounds. It will be back in Term 1 2019. Bookings and enquiries for the programs are direct with Trinity Kids www.trinitykids.com.au.
We’d love to hear from community members about activities of interest for us to deliver to the Korumburra community during 2019 so if you have an idea, give us a call on 5655 2524 and we will see what can be arranged.