ORANGE THE WORLD Nurturing our garden - Help our community bloom workshop
Nurturing our garden - Help our community bloom workshop - To tackle violence we thought a workshop in understanding brain development of children, our key building blocks of our community’s future and an Introduction to Compassionate Communication would be a great way to build our community’s tool box. So join us for a great day and please BYO lunch. Compassionate Communication is based on the idea that humans have universal needs that need to be met. We resort to violence (social, physiological and physical) when we don’t recognise more effective strategies for meeting these human needs. Our habits of thinking and speaking are learned through our culture. Compassionate communication is an emotionally intelligent, awareness based communication approach to meet human needs in a more positive way. Compassionate Communication (also known as Non-Violent Communication): The Brain Architecture game is an engaging hands on group experience that helps people see and feel the implications of the science of early brain development starting from the earliest years of life and that experiences shape the structure for better or worse. The Brain Architecture Game: Saturday December 8 10 am - 4 pm Cost $ Dana
Venue Milpara Community House, 21 Shellcot Road Korumburra Cost $0.00
Time 10 am - 4 pm Date Saturday December 8

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